Bathroom Tribe is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to are affiliate links embedded in articles on this site. When you click on these links, they will direct you to the product page on the respective merchant’s site. If you feel right about what you read and go on to purchase the product(s), two things will happen;
  1. The respective merchant will pay a small percentage of your order as commission to Bathroom Tribe. And you do not have to be concerned about paying extra for such an arrangement. Because whether you go directly to the merchant or via the affiliate links, the price doesn’t change. That means the commission paid to Bathroom Tribe will not affect your final purchase price in any way.
  2. You have just played the most significant role in helping to sustain Bathroom Tribe as the commission goes to improve and provide better services by updating and adding more well-research articles on the site. And to enhance your browsing experience with faster and more secure infrastructure.
Besides the commission, the affiliate links also offer you the convenience. So you can be sure you are buying the exact item from what you have read on this site.But if you do not wish to use the affiliate links, you can type the merchant’s website URL directly into your browser address field, or search on your favourite search engine. Or email us, and we will reply to you with the raw link*.

*Direct link to the merchant’s page without the affiliate tracking code. Some merchants do not allow affiliate links in emails (such as Amazon). So as a standard practice, we will not use affiliate links in all our email correspondence.

Feel free to contact us for any clarification about this Earning Disclosure. We are happy to answer all your queries.